Zachos Evangelos Gynecologist Trikala, Thessaly.
Obstetrics - Gynecology - Mammology - Laparoscopy - Colposcopy - Incontinence - Warts.
Gynecologist Surgeon Zachos Evangelos maintains his practice in Trikala, has state-of-the-art equipment, monitors medical developments and provides integrated gynecological services, with his primary focus on building a meaningful relationship with women - patients.
He stands next to his patients, providing them with modern means of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, special care and deep knowledge, excellent training and high level of expertise.
With respect to the woman... the obstetrician-gynecologist Zachos Evangelos, provides also his patients with confidence, performs gynecological and obstetric ultrasound, complete gynecological assessment, applies modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and inspires complete confidence and safety.
Do not hesitate to contact him for any gynecological issues you may have.
Services provided by the doctor:
- Pap test
- Ultrasound scan
- Ultrasonography of the Matrix, Ovary, Breast
- Colposcopy
- Biopsy
- Cervical pathology
- Laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy
- Preventive vaccination for cervical cancer
- Control
- Breastfeeding
- Complete gynecological examination
- Infertility
- Prenatal screening
- Surgical procedures
Issues that concern women:
- WartsVaginitis
- Endometriosis
- Contraceptive methods (pill, spiral, etc.)
- Polycystic ovaries
- Fibroids
- Matrix Polyps
- Climacteric
- Menopause
- Osteoporosistrikala
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25, Kapodistriou Str.
Telephone: 2431071001
Mobile: 6946031902